IRI BEYOND presents:


Women’s health is a relatively new area of study.

When you consider the great span of medical science, most medical research has been historically centered around male bodies. But it’s only within the last several decades that women have been included in clinical research.


FEMHEALTH GREECE is a startup focusing on solutions only for women.

What are we offering?

Panoptis Gonorhea
Endometriosis Predictor
Vaginal pH Test
Condylene Forte – VagoClean
MycoUrea Sure Detect Pro

Karyoprep Cell Box



Panoptis Gonorhea
The fastest, most reliable test for the selective detection of Neisseria gonorrhea.
Easy to use, it gives a definite and immediate (in a period of 30 seconds to 2 minutes) a color result for the presence or absence of the N. gonorrhea strain in the sample.
Gonorrhea is caused by N. gonorrhea and is the second most common bacterial Sexually Transmitted Disease with significant morbidity and financial cost.




Endometriosis Predictor
Endometriosis identification diagnostic test in minutes, using a saliva sample.
For each patient, 5 consecutive tests are performed every 24 hours to avoid errors during the performance of each test.


Vaginal pH Test
It is used for the detection of vaginitis in samples of vaginal fluid. Ideal for women who care about their vaginal health. The Vaginal pH Test kit is intended for use by qualified medical personnel or by any woman under the guidance of trained medical personnel. It is easy to use and leads to an accurate preventive diagnosis of the sinus condition. It can be used before the FluoraCheck kit which identifies the type of strain that causes vaginitis.

● Result time: 30 seconds

Interpretation of results:

●Green = normal condition of the vagina or minimal concentration of microbial infection with no obvious – yet – symptoms

●Blue = bacterial vaginitis and/or Trichomonas
In case the result is blue, visit your gynecologist for further tests and ask for the FluoraCheck kit to identify the strain of the infection caused so that you can be given the appropriate medication.

Condylene Forte – VagoClean

Condylen Forte is a factor used to eliminate external warts. With a cotton swab, apply a sufficient amount to the surface of each wart. Do not apply to surrounding healthy tissues, as the reagent has the effect of “burning” the warts. Repeat the application after 16 days. On day 31, the patient should have a Pap smear and an HPV test.


Karyoprep Cell Box

  • Ideal for safe sampling and transport of the tissue being examined for biopsy. It has been specially designed to facilitate physicians (surgeons, dermatologists, gynecologists, gastroenterologists, pathologists, etc.), health professionals and laboratory personnel.
  • KaryoPrep CellBox vials are containing 20 ml of fixative liquid and closed with a safety cap. The solution prevents unnecessary exposure of medical personnel to the harmful effects of formaldehyde on the human body. This system provides individualization of the sample, immediate preservation and immobilization of the tissue to be examined for biopsy and easy traceability of the sample.
  • The safety cap of the KaryoPrep CellBox offers protection against any leaks during transport of the tissue for biopsy. In addition, it provides the pathology laboratory with certainty that the specimen will arrive at its destination safe, properly fixed and preserved.