SPIKEOPATHY: Long-Covid and COVID-19 Vax Injury

By William Makis

NEW ARTICLE: LONG COVID Propaganda and Fraud – it’s time to push back on lies and help those suffering from Spikeopathy

CDC claims 1 in 5 US Adults will get “Long COVID”

UK Govt Disability Data shows that 90-95% of “Long COVID” = COVID-19 Vaccine Injury due to “Spikeopathy”

Long COVID does exist and UK Govt Disability Data shows increased disability rates in 2020 (no vaccine), with largest increase in “Respiratory Disability” with 24% increase over baseline

This makes sense for a respiratory virus with long term sequelae such as pulmonary fibrosis and scarring.

There are also significant Long COVID signals in cardiac, renal, hematological, each of which increased by about 15% in 2020.

But COVID-19 Vaccines were CATASTROPHIC

By end of 2022, the UK disability numbers look like this:

Neurological +107% (2020 was +7%)

Cardiovascular +121% (2020 was +13%)

Respiratory +94% (2020 was +24%)

Hematological +522% (2020 was +17%) “clot shot”

Musculoskeletal +93% (2020 was 0%)

Kidney +143% (2020 was +18%)

I believe that 90-95% of “Long COVID” sufferers (who have had COVID-19 Vaccines) have COVID-19 Vaccine Injury due to Spikeopathy.

Those who had some “Long COVID” symptoms and then took COVID-19 Vaccines, have had additional Spike protein injury to their body due to long term Spike production.

The distinction matters, because Long COVID sufferers are usually gaslit and lied to by their doctors and they don’t know where to even start when it comes to treating not only symptoms but the underlying cause (long term spike protein production).

Dr.Peter McCullough
has recently published a Base Spike Protein Detox Protocol:
Nattokinase + Bromelain + Curcumin.


1. Breaking down Spike Protein:
Nattokinase, Bromelain, (Serrapeptase, Lumbrokinase)

2. Blocking Spike Protein:
Quercetin, Olive Leaf, Curcumin, Nigella Sativa (Black Seed)
Artemisia Annua, Dandelion Extract, Pomegranate peel (a more herbal approach)

3. Anti-oxidant:
NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine)
Vitamin C

4. Immune Support:
Vitamin D (high dose!)
Zinc, Selenium
Vitamin B Complex (Niacin)

5. Anti-Cancer protection
Ivermectin, Melatonin, Quercetin, Olive Leaf, Curcumin (we are in the era of Turbo Cancers caused by Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines)

CEO Albert Bourla recently told Jim Cramer on Mad Money: “Cancer is our next big thing!”

Those, who for example discover Ivermectin or NAC individually and see improvement in Long COVID symptoms, don’t realize that there is a much broader treatment approach that must be undertaken, as each of these Spikeopathy treatment modalities on their own are rarely sufficient to address the injuries entirely or bring about major improvements, though sometimes they do!

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